Creating Content with Errorist
This page will walk you through the steps necessary to add content to your website.
Though not a requirement, using tree
command-line utility would be handy, if you get lost in
directory structure. To install it, use the default package manager on Linux or MacPorts on Mac.
shows the entire file hierarchy under specified directory – see the examples throughout this
Create a Section and Your First Page
Hugo server is probably already running in your terminal. Open another terminal tab or window and run:
hugo new -k page blog/test-page
This creates a ‘Blogs’ section (it should now appear in the top-left corner), and a ‘page bundle’, a directory
where your page lives. If you run tree kontent/blog/test-page/
, it will show
Two index.*
files have been created, one for the default language (currently English) and Russian.
In subsequent sections we shall see how to customize this step.
Open kontent/blog/test-page/
in your editor. You will see some parameters between dashed
lines that describe your page. Together they are called ‘front matter’. Let’s set some of them, and
also add some content. The result should look like this:
title: Starting Out with Errorist
date: 2020-07-27T17:23:59+02:00
description: 'My first test page description'
draft: false
Once I save this file, my first page is created!
If you now click the ‘Blogs’ link (perhaps opening it in a new browser tab), you will get to the ‘Blogs’ section
front page, where your test page is listed with its title
and description
(you’ve set these in
the front matter). One more click, and you will see your page.
Markdown and YAML
You probably know it already, but in case you don’t: the content files, like
we’ve just
created, combine two formats. The front matter is written in YAML
If you are completely new to YAML, here’s a very brief introduction.
The rest of a content file is written in Markdown format. It is intended to be simple, and it is, too. GitHub Markdown Guide is a three-minute read.
If you are viewing this page on a Hugo server running on your computer, you can open the Markdown
file for this page (kontent/manual/add-kontent/
) and see how it maps to the web page you
are looking at right now.
Set the Section Name and Description
We probably want our section name to be ‘Blog’, not ‘Blogs’, so let’s sort that out. Create a listing page for the section by running this command (mind the underscore):
hugo new blog/
Edit kontent/blog/
to look like this:
title: "Blog"
date: 2020-07-27T17:49:45+02:00
description: My Personal blog with Errorist
draft: false
A few words as to what my blog is about.
Once you save the file, ‘Blogs’ will become ‘Blog’, and the section page will now display an
introduction text. This step should be repeated for each language used in your website, inserting
the language code as an additional file name suffix, so for Russian it would be
Add the Main Image to a Page
Create a file kontent/blog/test-page/main-img
and add a single line to it: plain-blue
, either
using an editor or from command line:
echo 'plain-blue' >> kontent/blog/test-page/main-img
If you now open http://localhost:1313/blog/test-page
, you
will see that an image plain-blue
has been added to the page. Notice, it’s got a caption already,
too. Where did it come from? Have a look into kontent/images
└── plain-blue
├── example.png
This is where our sample image lives together with its captions and other metadata. The captions in
English and Russian are stored as content in
files, respectively.
Here’s the English one:
title: "Plain Blue"
date: 2020-07-27T18:37:21+02:00
draft: false
alt: alt tag of an example image
This is a caption for an example image
Essentially, we are looking at another page bundle, that just isn’t rendered nor listed anywhere – only included into another page.
Adding Content in Another Language
For that, let’s edit kontent/blog/test-page/
file in your page bundle.
If you haven’t got a Cyrillic keyboard, as the case might be, here’s a sample content you can
title: "Welcome to Errorist"
date: 2020-07-27T17:15:38+02:00
draft: false
toc: true
Царь Никита жил когда-то
Праздно, весело, богато,
Не творил добра, ни зла,
И земля его цвела.
Царь трудился понемногу,
Кушал, пил, молился богу
И от разных матерей
Прижил сорок дочерей ...
Your test page has got a ‘Languages’ navigation section and a link pointing to the Russian version of your page. Not surprisingly, once you click it, you will see the Russian page you’ve just created. The main image is already there, and notice – it has a Russian caption, too.
That’s the benefit of using image bundles: image captions follow the image itself like ducklings follow their mother-duck, so there never be a mismatch between an image and its caption.
Creating an Image Bundle
Choose an image and some descriptive name for it. I shall use myimage
in this example. Run
hugo new -k img images/myimage
This creates another directory under kontent/images
which now looks like this:
├── myimage
│ ├──
│ └──
└── plain-blue
├── example.png
Copy an image file into kontent/images/myimage/
(the name of the file doesn’t matter). Assuming
your image is ~/MyImages/random.jpg
cp ~/MyImages/random.jpg kontent/images/myimage/
Edit kontent/images/myimage/index*.md
files to add captions, and our image bundle is ready.
Let’s link it to our test page now.
In the kontent/blog/test-page/main-img
file, change plain-blue
to myimage
, and check the page
again: http://localhost:1313/blog/test-page
. The image
supplied with the theme should now change to yours.
Including Images in the Content of a Page
The general Markdown syntax is

where src
is the URL of the image, relative or absolute. With Errorist, if src
does not contain
a dot (has no ’extension’), the image bundle under kontent/images
directory will be looked up
instead. The "title text"
will override the one in the image bundle, and alt text
will override
the alt
value. While this might be occasionally useful, most of the time you’d use the texts from
the image bundle, and so reduce it to just

Create a couple of image bundles and try to experiment with them. What happens if you refer to nonexistent image bundle? What if image bundle exists, but hasn’t got any image?
If you still prefer to use ’loose’ images, an absolute path like /file.jpg
as src
value would
point to static/file.jpg
, while relative path file.jpg
would point to a file in the page bundle
directory. You will still need to write the captions, so you’ll hardly manage to cut any corners
Clickable Tabs
Errorist theme has been created with foreign language students in mind to let them (b)log their learning process.
Clickable tabs allow you, among other things, to include your grammar exercises, showing either the original task or your solution, or the correct solution, or the solution with corrections, but one at a time. This is useful should you wish to revisit a particular topic in the future.
Señor Rodriguez … católico, pero … muerto. Señor Díaz … vivo, pero hoy no … católico.
So let’s create one. In a page bundle, create a directory myhomework
(the name is arbitrary):
mkdir kontent/blog/test-page/homework
In this directory create four files as shown in the following code snippets. Here, the names are important. If you are experiencing the ‘writer’s block’, here’s example contents for the said files:
Señor Rodriguez ... católico, pero ... muerto.
Señor Díaz ... vivo, pero hoy no ... católico.
Señor Rodriguez es católico, pero es muerto.
Señor Díaz está vivo, pero hoy no es católico.
Señor Rodriguez era católico, pero está muerto.
Señor Díaz está vivo, pero hoy no está católico.
Señor Rodriguez ~~es~~ **era** católico, pero ~~es~~ **está** muerto.
Señor Díaz está vivo, pero hoy no ~~es~~ **está** católico.
The ~~
is markdown that will be converted into <del>
HTML tag, and **
will become the <strong>
Back to our tabs. Your page bundle structure will now look like this:
├── homework
│ ├── 10_task.txt
│ ├── 20_mysolution.txt
│ ├── 30_solution.txt
│ └── 40_corrections.txt
└── main-img
Add the following at the bottom of kontent/blog/test-page/
{{< tabs_bq "homework" >}}
If you look at your test page now, you will see the clickable tabs at the bottom, showing our fictional homework exercise.
The number at the beginning of a tab file name is for sorting, so that 10_task.txt
appears before
. The name of a tab is the file name stripped of its number_
prefix and .txt
suffix, so 10_task.txt
becomes task
. Then, if your localization file (more on that in a moment) contains the tab name as a
key, the translation for that key will be displayed. The entries for ’task’, ‘mysolution’,
‘solution’ and ‘corrections’ are already included.
If you were creating a new language-learning blog post from scratch, you could create a page bundle of this particular kind like this:
hugo new -k langblog blog/señores-vivos-y-muertos
If editing tab files by hand feels a grueling task, you are not alone. Consider managing your homework
using Git and GitHub. If you do, you can just pipe different commits and wdiffs
of your exercises
into tabs files.
Featuring an Article on the Front Page
It’s time to put your best foot forward. In a page bundle directory, edit the
file, adding exposures
parameter to the front matter:
title: Starting Out with Errorist
date: 2020-07-27T17:23:59+02:00
description: 'My first test page description'
draft: false
- major
If you check the front page of your site at http://localhost:1313
, you
will notice that the main image for your test page now appears at the top together with what is
supposed to be a summary, but is in fact just 70 characters of the page squashed without any respect
to the original formatting. To fix the issue, create a file called
(the name is
important), and write the summary for your page into it. Looks better, doesn’t it?
To get a summary for the Russian page, too, you should create a
If you set exposures
parameter to minor
, your test page will be listed in the right column of
the front page.
Adding Links
The Markdown syntax for links is
[Visible Text]( "title")
where ‘Visible Text’ is the text displayed on the page, and the optional ’title’ is the text that appears when you hover mouse cursor over it, but do not click yet.
To refer to the page of your website, you should use a shortcode in place of URL:
[Visible Text]({{< ref "/page#anchor" >}} "title")
The path is relative to the domain, so if your site is
, the above code will be
rendered as
. The shortcode will throw exception, if this page
doesn’t exist – so you are guaranteed against dead links at your own site at least.
Do not use trailing /
when using the shortcode – it will result in an error.
Configure Your Project
Now that you know how things work, remove whatever you’ve created while going through the tutorial.
git clean -f *
Configure the Authors
Open data/authors.yaml
, read the comments, and configure one or more authors by example. It’s
YAML format, so keep an eye on indentation.
Once configured, the authors can be referred to from the front matter of their articles like this:
- mmustermann
- tatkins
Notice, it is a list, as an article may have more authors than one.
Configure the Languages
Open config/_default/languages.yaml
, read the comments, and configure to your needs.
Adjust Internationalization (I18N for Short)
If you’ve added new languages, you will also need to add translation files, one per new language.
Create i18n
directory in your project root, and copy the English translations file to be used as a
template (for German in this example):
mkdir i18n
cp themes/errorist/i18n/en.yaml i18n/de.yaml
Open i18n/de.yaml
and change English translations to German.
Adjust Archetypes
If there were changes in supported languages, you will need to add/remove index*.md
accordingly. That is, for each
file under archetypes
directory in your project, you
will need an index.<LANG>.md
file for each language you support. To remove these files for Russian
(if you are not going to use Russian), run
find archetypes -name '' -exec rm '{}' \;
Your project is now configured. Create some content you want to publish.
Clean Up
# Re-create kontent/
rm kontent/
hugo new
# Remove test image bundle
rm -r kontent/images/plain-blue
# Remove the manual
rm -r kontent/manual
Restart Hugo server.
Build Your Site
Once you are done creating the initial content you want to publish, you should change the front
matter parameter draft
to false
on everything that you are going to publish, including the image
bundles. To double check, run
# To see if you haven't forgot anything
grep -rl 'draft: false' kontent/*
Stop Hugo server, and then start it without the -D
option. Now you will see only pages that are
going to be published. Double-check if everything looks the way it is supposed to.
If you now run
your site will be built in the public
directory under your project root. This
can be changed by setting the publishDir:
in config/_default/config.yaml
to something else.
Personally, I prefer to have it outside the project directory, because it’s generated content and
shouldn’t be included in a source repository.
Set up a Repository on GitHub and Publish Your Site
Create an account on GitHub , if you haven’t done so yet.
Create a repository named <YOUR GITHUB USERNAME>
Build your site locally, and change into whatever you have configured for your publishDir
Initialize a git repository there, add the files, and commit:
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'initial commit'
Add your GitHub repository as a remote, and push it to GitHub:
git remote add origin <YOUR GITHUB REPOSITORY URL>
git push -u origin master
Your website will shortly be accessible at http://<YOUR GITHUB USERNAME>
If you ego demands a domain of your own, register one and follow the GitHub manual .
The Source Repository
Remove the original git remote (where you’ve cloned the bootstrapping project from):
git remote remove origin
Decide where do you want to keep the repository with source files of your project. Should that be GitHub, create a repository there and add it as a remote. Unless you use a paid account, ask yourself, whether you want the source of your project, including drafts, to be publicly available. This is very individual, of course.
That was it. This tutorial doesn’t cover all the details, but your site should be functional now. For details, refer to README file.